
Setting up Printer and Scanning in Linux

I had to set up printer and scanning on EndevourOS. This should be for all arch distros. This note describes the steps that I followed. I have an HP Deskjet Printer and scanner.


The hplip package is all that is needed to set up printing using a HP printer. It has a couple perl and python dependencies, along with a dependency on a package called cups that I had to add separately

yay -S cups hplip
sudo systemctl enable --now cups

After this I used the interactive setup utility, with my printer attached on a USB port.

sudo hp-setup -i

An optional GUI for managing printers can also be installed

yay -S system-config-printer

ℹ️ This seems to be a python script

After this the Printer was available for printing.


The hplip package contains the hp-scan tool, but a few python dependencies were missing.

Installing these python packages fixed the issues.

yay -S xsane python-pillow python-reportlab

After this, the scanned documents can be saved as pdf using something like this:

hp-scan -i -oBill-1.pdf --dest=pdf
