
Creating a GPG key

The gpg tool needs to be installed.

  1. Generate GPG key pair.

    gpg --full-generate-key
  2. Specify the kind of key
  3. Specify key size. (Github mandates higher than 4096 bits)
  4. Enter length of validity. (2y is a good one)

    ⚠️ Never use a key that never expires. This helps in the case the private key is lost, you will be assured that the public key will at least expire some-day, so you stop receiving messages encrypted using the lost key.

  5. Enter identifying information like name, email and comment.
  6. Select a passphrase.
  7. Upload the key to public key servers

    gpg --send-keys <key-id>

    where you can get your key id using

    gpg --list-keys
