
Concurrent Downloads with pacman

pacman supports downloading packages in parallel since version 6, but this needs to be configured to be enabled.

Parallel should be enabled if you have a multi-core CPU and want your downloads and updates to be faster.

Check pacman version:

pacman -V


 .--.                  Pacman v6.0.1 - libalpm v13.0.1
/ _.-' .-.  .-.  .-.   Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Pacman Development Team
\  '-. '-'  '-'  '-'   Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet
                       This program may be freely redistributed under
                       the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The pacman config file is located at /etc/pacman.conf. The option that needs to be added is ParallelDownloads = 5. (use a number that suites your computer, 5 is supposedly the default, says the blog post I referred to.)
