
Bash Construct List of Sub-Commands

A bash script can have subcommands, like many cli tool have.

git clone

clone is a subcommand of the git cli.

  1. Follow a special character delimited naming convention for Bash functions that represent a subcommand. For example, they can follow the x.subcommandA.

    That is, starting sub command function names with an x, followed by a . and then the subcommand name, subcommandA in the above example

  2. Use the following code to gather a list of all sub-commands dynamically:

     # Obtain all subcommands
     while IFS= read -r line; do
       [[ $line =~ ^declare\ -f\ x\. ]] || continue 
       COMMANDS+=( "${line##declare -f x.}" )
     done < <(declare -F)
     mapfile -t COMMANDS < <(LC_COLLATE=C sort < <(printf "%s\n" "${COMMANDS[@]}"))


    • declare -F will produce a newline delimited list of all Bash functions declared.
    • Functions that do not follow the naming convention specified above are ignored.
    • The functions that do follow the convention are added to COMMANDS
    • The function names are sorted and put into COMMANDS




#literature-note #snippet #scripting #tip